Introducing the KAIRDROP program — Airdrops For KardiaChain Stakers
Following the success of DPET and BAMI KRC-20 airdrop campaigns, we decided to take our airdrop to the next level. Today we announce the official launch of the KAIRDROP Program, a way for KAI holders to stake and earn even more.

KAIRDROP offers KRC-20 projects on KardiaChain exclusive access to active KAI Holders, who play essential roles in our ecosystem. This is a win-win approach for both projects to distribute their tokens to quality holders and Kardia active users to gain first-hand experience with promising products and services.
The rules are simple. By staking in any validator of KardiaChain for a specific period, users are eligible to register for all KAIRDROPs. When a KAIRDROP is announced, eligible users are required to send 1 KAI to an address, which is then used to do a snapshot for active users and their respective staking amount. The KRC-20 tokens will be distributed proportionally to all participants afterward. For detailed information, please see the instructions below.
KAIRDROP features the KRC-20 tokens launched on KardiaChain by our business partners. KardiaChain currently has 13 KRC-20 tokens verified by our team. With an excellent pipeline of upcoming projects issuing KRC-20 tokens, the KAIRDROP Programs would offer greater insights and updates about upcoming projects incubated by KardiaChain and partners in our ecosystem. Therefore, long-term users can research each project thoroughly to achieve the best return on investment (ROI) according to their interests.
Instructions for Kairdrop:
- To be eligible for the KAIRDROP , KAI Holders need to have a minimum of 1000 KAI staked to any Validator for at least two weeks.
- Participants need to register to participate in the event by sending 1 KAI to a designated wallet address. To avoid confusion, please use the wallet used to send 1 KAI to stake and do not send the stake amount to the designated wallet address.
- KAIRDROP will take a snapshot of eligible participants at a random time between the campaign period.
- Eligible participants will receive the airdrop proportionally to the total staked amount participated.
Explanation of reward distribution:
In case there is an airdrop worth of $5,000 KRC-20
If you stake 100,000 KAI, while there are 2 people also register and they each stake 200,0000 KAI.
At the end you will receive $1000 in KRC-20 tokens.
100,000 /(100,000 + 200,000 + 200,000) = 20% x $5,000 = $1,000
Following above example, if you stake 600,000 KAI then you will get
600,000 / (600,000 + 200,000 + 200,000) = 60% x $5,000 = $3,000
Let’s stake and participate in the KAIRDROP Program to gain even more benefits with all KRC-20 tokens. Stay tuned for more KAIRDROP events coming soon.

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